It’s a shame that Ron Paul, who is the most outspoken advocate of our nation’s foundation — the Constitution — receives considerably less coverage in the mainstream media than his moral-entrepreneurial GOP counterparts. I’m tired of gray-templed stepdads, smirk-faced fundamentalists, and Wall Street fat cats spending millions of dollars to subliminally tell me what I should and shouldn’t care about in this country. Their pollsters tell them what to base their campaigns around.
Paul has opposed every milestone marking the slow devolution of civil liberties such as the Patriot Act, SOPA and every incarnation it’s been disguised as, the War on Drugs, and the reservation of rights such as same-sex marriage to the decision of the people of individual states where they belong. He would end the costly and pointless “war” on drugs, saving hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade, and calls it what it is: a war on race and poverty.
With half of those in prison today on drug-related charges being African-American when blacks make up only 15 percent of actual drug users, there is no denying its only purpose is to perpetuate inequalities.
I think Americans don’t like Ron Paul because he doesn’t tell anyone how to live their lives — this doesn’t embody the average American’s ethnocentrism.