Chivalry is not dead in Vancouver. At 6:45 a.m., I started out to catch the 7:20 a.m. shuttle bus to Portland. I had plenty of time. It was cold, rainy and dark.
I got about 10 blocks when my car started to sputter and then stopped. I was able to steer it to the curb away from the busy traffic. There I sat. No cellphone.
Two ladies who were out on their morning jog stopped and asked if they could help.
About that same time, two gentlemen who were starting to work close by asked what the problem was.
I said, “It just won’t go.” They got in and pronounced manly, “Lady, you’re out of gas!” to which I replied, “No way.” I started driving at age 16 and am now 86 — wouldn’t you think I’d have more sense after driving 70 years?
The gentlemen had a gas can on their truck and gave me enough to get to the nearest gas station, where I put $57 of gas in my gar. Empty? I guess. The ladies stayed with me though the whole thing.
Yes, we do have nice, caring people in our community. I’m glad I live in Vancouver.
Muriel A. Torrey