This morning I saw a slug in a planter on my deck. I would have thought the cold weather would kill them, like it does all the bugs.
Well, slugs are tough little critters. They work their way into the soil, or hide in a nice protected spot such as under a large rock, or planter, all ready to come out and find anything that dares to put out green growth this time of year. This is the time to go on the attack. By making a diligent plan to get rid of as many slugs as you can now, perhaps you’ll have less slug damage when the hostas and other choice plants are coming up.
By the way, cold weather does kill some insects, but many have survival strategies that give them the ability to winter over. They’ll be back.
It’s embarrassing to be corrected by a “garden person” when I pronounce a plant name incorrectly. What’s an easy way to learn plant names?