I was reading about the debate between Arizona and Hawaii about President Obama’s birth certificate. Arizona requested that Hawaii send the state a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Arizona stated in its request that they need proof of U.S. citizenship before Obama would be added to the Arizona state ballot as a 2012 presidential candidate. To this request the state of Hawaii replied “he’ll (referring to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett) have to prove he legitimately needs it.” What is Hawaii thinking with that response?
Arizona needed to prove they have a legitimate reason? Isn’t it a constitutional requirement for the vice president and the president of the United States to be a born citizen? The answer to this question is most certainly, yes. The Constitution addresses the legitimacy question. I ask this, “Hawaii, what political game are you playing?” President Obama is either a U.S. citizen or he is not. Step up and clear up this issue once and for all. Produce an official copy of Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. I personally believe that all states should make a like demand. What about it, Washington?
Austin Rogers