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Critics: Bird-culling plan near JFK goes too far

The Columbian
Published: May 25, 2012, 5:00pm

NEW YORK (AP) — Critics are crying foul over a plan to control bird populations near New York City’s JFK Airport.

Under a proposal from the U.S. department of Agriculture, staffers would be authorized to kill a half-dozen bird species within a five-mile radius of the airport.

The intent is to reduce the number of bird strikes on planes.

Environmentalists tell the Daily News (http://nydn.us/Kjng5b ) that the measures need to be examined more carefully.

They say the plan conflicts with a multimillion-dollar federal effort to restore nearby wetland habitats for migratory birds.

Birds that could be killed under the plan include Canada geese, mute swans, double-crested cormorants, blackbirds, crows, rock pigeons and European starlings.

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has proposed legislation that would bypass the environmental impact review process for the plan.
