Good speech, Mitt. The trouble is that you were a self-proclaimed moderate progressive when you ran for Massachusetts governor. Then you were pro-choice, pro-gay equality and teamed up with Ted Kennedy to successfully pass a model government-run health care program with an individual mandate. Somehow between then and now, you morphed into a true conservative embracing a platform that supports forced term birth for pregnant rape victims, the repeal of Obamacare, and apparently supports war with Iran. Sometime between then and now, you must have been struck by lightning, talked to God, or experienced a life-changing event. What else could explain it? Mitt, you failed to mention it in your speech.
And then there was the Clint Eastwood thing. Will anyone in your campaign get fired? I bet not. How would such poor decision-making and leadership translate into your presidency? You do like to fire people, right?
Mitt, you are a man who will violate your core values to say anything you need to say to get elected. You believe that the end justifies the means. And you will stick to failed policies and blame the little guy for your own failures.
Be cautious folks. That’s my takeaway.
Jim Ebacher