Upon reading the Dec. 10 story “Jail’s suicide prevention work pays off” about the success in the Clark County jail regarding lowering suicides, I felt urged to mention a program in place in the Washington County jail in Hillsboro, Ore., utilizing trained therapy dog teams doing much the same thing — for free. We are volunteers, carefully screened.
Our two Goldens, Crunch and Harlow, along with my wife, Michael, and I are part of this program. We take the dogs directly into the PODs with the prisoners. The program is possible through the county’s progressive sheriff and the chaplains. It is an outstanding success. A deputy told me the dogs lower the anxiety levels.
I called the Clark County Sheriff’s Office asking if they would consider such a program. Pet Partners, formerly Delta Society, has complex trained teams standing by if we could just get the green light. I was told they know of the program, but they have some political problems here. News flash — dogs are not political. These prisoners are people in need of a fuzzy hug. If it works in Oregon, why not here?
My wife and I and our Goldens have been visiting the Juvenile Detention Center for nearly 20 years. Results? Ask the detention center.