The House of Representatives is the only branch of government that is doing their job because of the conservatives.
Before 2008, the various committees reviewed each agency’s budget and then those 13 or 14 budgets were debated and sent to the Senate. A joint conference committee then resolved the differences and enacted the appropriations. This process, used for over 200 years, provided scrutiny, transparency, and oversight.
For six years all appropriations have been wrapped up into one big continuing resolution, with no transparency or scrutiny; just one big lump sum of cash to be divided by the agencies. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he won’t deal on a piecemeal approach to funding the government, as if this is some novel approach to passing budgets — give me a break. That is what Congress is supposed to be doing.
Keep the government slimmed down and hopefully Congress will work on meaningful tax and federal spending reform, which is doing the work we elected these folks to do.