You might not recognize the name Andrew Wakefield, but you have been impacted by his work. And not in a good way.
Wakefield was a British doctor who in 1998 wrote a research paper for the medical journal The Lancet in which he suggested a link between childhood vaccinations and autism. That would be groundbreaking work — if it were true. What is true is that Wakefield had been paid by trial lawyers hoping to cash in by blaming vaccines for their clients’ autism, and that he had applied for a patent on his own measles vaccine. What is true is that no other scientists have been able to replicate Wakefield’s study, which is a key component of accepted science. And what is true is that Wakefield was subsequently removed from the Medical Register in Britain, meaning he could no longer practice medicine.
In short, Wakefield was a charlatan who has been thoroughly discredited. The Lancet partially retracted his original article in 2004 and completely retracted it in 2010. And yet, the fear-mongering he triggered has continued to linger. Many parents, both in the United States and across the pond, have used Wakefield’s fraudulent study as a reason to avoid having their children vaccinated. Now the results are being felt.
Two decades ago, measles was largely eradicated in developed nations. Through widespread use of the childhood measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, those diseases became a rarity in the United States, typically found only when somebody contracted something overseas and brought it back with them. Following Wakefield’s initial report in 1998, the rate of MMR inoculation in England and Wales fell from 92 percent to below 80 percent, according to The (London) Sunday Times. In 1998, Britain reported 56 cases of measles; by 2008, with fewer people receiving the vaccine, the number of cases was 1,348. This year, there have been nearly 50 confirmed cases of the measles in the U.S., with outbreaks in New York and Southern California, and experts blame a decrease in the number of vaccinations for the increase in those who catch the disease. Funny how that works.