In Port of Vancouver meetings concerning the Tesoro-Savage oil terminal, main topics of concern are volatile oil spills, public safety, environment and property values.
The 3,000-foot BNSF track to the new port entrance, with a 10 mph speed limit, is the most significant factor for safety of oil trains. Oil trains from North Dakota run at track speed through populated areas which, I understand, is about 45 mph for trains, unless other speed reductions are required. To my knowledge, no speed reduction has been announced. Volatility, weight and speed determine damage in a derailment but how do you overcome the unpredictable and unavoidable? You can’t — you can only mitigate potential damage in a derailment.
The public continues to be told don’t make judgments until the facts are in but the port commission and Tesoro-Savage have already formed an opinion of how beneficial the oil terminal will be. Is their opinion based on facts the opponents lack?
Additionally, The Columbian has reported of NuStar Energy’s application to handle domestic light crude at its Vancouver terminal.