I worked for Clark County Public Works for 30 years. I was proud to tell people when asked where I worked. I am not proud of our county today after seeing the way our roads and streets. Roadside vegetation is overgrowing our roads and blocking sidewalks, covering roadside signs and overgrowing medians just to name a few. It’s not only the county roads; its our local cities’ and state roads as well.
If you can’t maintain the shrubs and trees, then stop planting them. Do you realize what all of these neglected plants and trees are costing us, the taxpayers? If we have a rainy winter and then get freezing rain, you might as well turn the roads back to gravel. There is no way they can all be maintained.
I can honestly say I am not proud of the way our county looks now. It is not the fault of the employees who do the work; it is the people who manage our money.
Bob Hammock