There is nothing intrinsically patriotic about setting off fireworks. Let’s update the meaning we give it in light of new information:
Fireworks contain toxins that pollute water and air, start fires and cause physical harm.
Fireworks are made in dangerous factories that employ children.
Fireworks terrorize small animals.
Fireworks trigger post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in some persons who have experienced war.
Fireworks are disturbing to many in the general population.
Concern for the environment and compassion for other beings are higher values than protecting the “right” to indulge our desire to create sound and light shows. This angle is short-changed in the public discussions about limiting fireworks.
Let those who relish fireworks contribute their fireworks budget allocations to municipal displays then go enjoy them. Let nonprofits, which benefit from fireworks sales, find another, safer way to raise funds. Let personal fireworks become a thing of the past.
Patty Page