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Resolve to live healthier in 2015

By Marissa Harshman, Columbian Health Reporter
Published: December 28, 2014, 4:00pm
3 Photos
In 2015, Vancouver City Councilor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, left, resolves: "I'll be drinking more water and walking more." And James McElvain, Vancouver police chief, intends: "I plan to incorporate more yoga, stretching and meditation to my weekly routine."
In 2015, Vancouver City Councilor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, left, resolves: "I'll be drinking more water and walking more." And James McElvain, Vancouver police chief, intends: "I plan to incorporate more yoga, stretching and meditation to my weekly routine." Photo Gallery

For many Americans, ringing in the New Year comes with pledges to get healthier. Nearly half of Americans regularly make New Year’s resolutions. Even more are infrequent resolution-makers. And, for many, health-related resolutions are at the top of the list.

A University of Scranton study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology identified losing weight as the top resolution for 2014. About 38 percent of people made weight-related resolutions in 2014, according to the study. The Top 10 also included staying fit and healthy, and quitting smoking.

The Columbian asked local elected officials, health care providers, hospital officials and other leaders to share their health-related New Year’s resolutions. They’re resolving to exercise more, stress less, ditch the desserts, eat more vegetables, get more sleep and drink more water. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year.

Anne McEnerny-Ogle, Vancouver City Council

“Food tracking is always a good resolution, but I’m also going to add a couple of others. I’ll be drinking more water and walking more. Riding C-Tran more is going to help, too. I’ll try to leave the computer and get to bed a little earlier. Sleep has so many benefits! Then, just one more. Travel with my husband. Now that Cuba is opening, maybe we’ll grab our passports and check it out!”

Brian Willoughby, Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center spokesman

“I’ve lost about 60 pounds over the past six years and kept all of it off by slowly changing bad habits and adopting good habits … until each one becomes the new norm. Examples include limiting the amount I eat in the evening (no second dinner!) and choosing to park the car at the far end of the lot to create more walking in my day. My resolution for 2015 will be to continue this, with a greater focus on physical activity. To date, most of the changes have been food- and diet-related. In 2015, I want to up the ante on activity.”

Bart Hansen, Vancouver City Council

“My goal is to keep it below 200 pounds. I might have an addiction to the Donut Nook, too!”

Sy Johnson, chief executive officer and chief mission officer at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center

“I am considering running the Hood to Coast again this year or the Portland Marathon. I am also planning to skip dessert more frequently, rather than my more usual custom of skipping the salad. Probably most important to me, though, is a resolution to carve out more time for family. I want to take the kids skiing at least a few times this winter, and I would like to hike to the top of Mount St. Helens again with another of my children. I made the climb in 2012 with my then-10-year-old son, and it was a wonderful experience. If we go, we’ll carry at least another gallon of water. Lesson learned!”

Scott Higgins, Camas mayor

“I always need to focus on a better diet and more exercise. This year I will give more attention to each of those habits.”

James McElvain, Vancouver police chief

“Besides maintaining a regular fitness program, my wife and I started up Breath Yoga a couple months ago. It has brought more balance and focus to an otherwise hectic daily schedule. I plan to incorporate more yoga, stretching and meditation to my weekly routine.”

Alan Melnick, Clark County Public Health director

“I resolve to work hard with community partners to make healthy resolutions (and healthy choices) easier for everyone.”

Jerry Green, Clark County Fire District 6 chief

“Take time necessary to treat myself to one hour of physical exercise three days each week, along with eating small meals throughout the day; ultimate goal to lose 15 pounds, reducing stress and becoming healthier for myself, my wife and Fire District 6.”

Alishia Topper, Vancouver City Council

“My 2014 lacked running, which is a big part of my fitness plan and stress-reduction strategy. So, my New Year’s resolution is to train and run three marathons throughout the year. In 2013 I ran two marathons, so if successful, I would have a new personal record.”

Dr. Alfred Seekamp, chief medical officer, The Vancouver Clinic

“My New Year’s resolution is to eat more fruits and vegetables. For many years, the FDA recommended eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I struggled with that because I really don’t like vegetables very much. However, I’ve learned to prepare them in ways that make them something I actually look forward to eating. Bring on the kale, Brussels sprouts and spinach. It’s a good thing, too, because the recommendations for fruits and vegetables have been increased to seven to 13 servings per day. That’s real work, but considering the health benefits — less obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer — it’s worth the effort!”

Dr. Jim Heid, Legacy Medical Group, Salmon Creek Family Medicine

“I have been talking about riding my bike to work more, even with the rain. Perhaps I could resolve to ride at least once per month, with a goal of once per week.”

Sean Guard, Washougal mayor

“After the past year of cancer and the follow-up surgery, followed by the herniated disc and treatment for that, I am just looking forward to a doctor/surgeon-free 2015. And, I need to get the weight off my body that I have accumulated from being laid-up.”

Ron Onslow, Ridgefield mayor

“This pre-Christmas, I was putting up Christmas lights on the roof. I was trying to ‘step up my game.’ Well, I went one step too far, and I fell off the ladder, sustained a fractured rib, collapsed lung and spent three days in the hospital. Now it’s ‘take one step at a time,’ get back to yoga, continue to ‘step up my game’ — just not on the top rung!”

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