Of late, there have been occasional letters praising the benefits of socialism, demonstrating the lack of knowledge such writers have of how our system was originally designed. It was formed to be a representative republic, with a free market. This system has given us the liberty to form those labor unions, let people make their own decisions on how to spend their money and how to live their lives. All those stated benefits attributed to “democratic socialism” is a better example of a free people mutually agreeing to contribute to the well-being of the community.
Socialism is both a political and economic system, of which its primary philosophy is that the government is in control, those running the government are the best suited to tell the citizens how to live their lives. There isn’t enough space to explain it here, but examples of successful socialism are Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China and a few others. Europe? Mixed results. I’m sure our current administration would love to follow Greece’s example.
Ken Kraemer