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Letter: Evolution is just a hunch

The Columbian
Published: February 2, 2014, 4:00pm

Regarding Jay Fancher’s Jan. 30 letter “Theory well-supported,” I am not a trained scientist, but the subject of evolution has interested me all my life. The scientific method requires that facts, to be proven, need to be able to be duplicated. Since evolution cannot be seen or duplicated, it is that theory that is “a guess or a hunch.”

Evolution maintains that life began in a swamp via a bacteria or such and that our world today grew from that, given enough time. How very foolish. As for me and millions of believers, we’ll take the word of Jesus Christ over Charles Darwin. He was there when the universe began and was recorded in Genesis.

The same “facts” that Darwinists rejoice in can be looked at very differently by others. Two scholars, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, not creationists, in their book, “Hidden History of the Human Race,” show how many “facts” in which evolutionists put their faith have not been proven. Sometimes part of the fact has been ignored and the interpretation cannot be maintained by the whole fact.

What we all really want is the truth. Let’s examine both sides of this issue. I challenge Fancher, and others, to examine the many good creationist websites available, without any preconceived prejudices. It’s an interesting and important study.

Lena T. Jones


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