Referencing the comments in the July 16 letter “Ruling too narrow to be abused” by Rick Hauser, a constitutional lawyer, I find myself curious as to why our U.S. Supreme Court is even involved in the Hobby Lobby case. I have absolutely no legal background so apparently I am incorrect in assuming that the Supreme Court satisfies legal questions that pertain to the constitutional application of whatever cases are presented. That said, where in our U.S. Constitution is any sort of government involvement in any sort of birth control written?
Why aren’t such cases rejected by the court out of hand as the court has no right to even make judgments on matters that are not Constitution related? And exactly when did the personal opinions of Supreme Court members overrule whatever statue is being presented?
It is no wonder why people like myself are becoming more apathetic about our government, from the sitting president at any given time, the Senate, the House, and all the courts. We simply cannot trust anyone to make nonpartisan decisions that are in the best interest of the American people.
I personally believe that term limits for everyone in elected or appointed public service positions, including Supreme Court justices, would go a long way in re-establishing trust in the republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers.