This year marks the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Brady Law. Brady background checks have proven to be an effective tool. They’ve blocked more than 2 million gun purchases, keeping firearms away from convicted felons, domestic abusers and other dangerous people. Those same people can get guns easily through private sales at gun shows, flea markets, Internet sites such as, and even through Facebook and Instagram.
Schools, churches and other organizations require background checks on anyone dealing with children. Businesses do background checks on new hires, in the name of safety and prudence. Why are our politicians willing to allow only 60 percent of gun buyers to get background checks? Guns are dangerous. Allowing 40 percent of gun sales to go without background checks does not make sense and is not safe, which is why in every major poll, 90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on gun sales.
Heidi Yewman