Guns have the potential to save lives, but in the wrong hands they are very harmful. I recently went to a Board of Clark County Commissioners hearing and listened to several individuals with separate opinions on this topic. One individual felt they needed a gun to protect themselves from the potential dangers of other people with guns. Another person feared that too many people had guns.
Currently a resident not convicted of a felony who passes the background check with identification and $52.50 can get a pistol license. Federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks, so 40 percent of all gun purchases have not been through background checks. Since other sellers are considered hobbyists not making their living from the sales, they do not have the same regulations as a licensed shop.
There needs to be a more thorough background check and every person who purchases a gun should have to go through a background check no matter how the weapon is purchased. Washington state needs to follow other states and regulate sales from hobbyists and gun shows.
Jamie Paul