I find it ironic that Robert Kerr’s Nov. 24 letter was titled “Democrats twist facts to fit agenda,” when in fact the first few sentences of his letter are lies by omission, which equates to twisting facts to fit his agenda. He begins his letter by repeating statements made by Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, taken out of context.
Yes, in a portion of Hillary Clinton’s Oct. 24 speech the words “corporations do not create jobs” are present. However, if you consider the entire context you would know that the message she was conveying is “tax breaks and subsidies given to corporations” do not create jobs.
Then Kerr brings back the “if you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that” sound bite. Really? This one is so old. If you care to listen to the words preceding these in Obama’s speech you will have no doubt that the “that” Obama refers to is our infrastructure, as in highways, bridges, railroads, the electrical grid, etc. He was not saying that you didn’t create your own business, he was saying you didn’t create many of these necessary components that you need in order for your business to operate and be successful.
Repeating words out of context equates to twisting facts, and of course, facts are twisted to suit your own agenda. Context is very important.