OK. Two mass shootings in one day.
Also, two Nov. 27 and one Nov. 29.
That makes 355 mass shootings this year in the United States. An average of 1.06 per day. In all but five states. In towns called Rock Hill, Holly Hill and Pine Hills. In cities called Baltimore, Fort Worth and Colorado Springs. By white shooters, by black shooters, by shooters purporting to be Christians or Muslims. At a music festival. At a gas station. At a block party. At a child’s birthday party. Now, on Wednesday, at an office holiday party.
It’s only a matter of time, then.
What to do in the interim?
Buy a gun? I’d be too nervous to carry it everywhere, all the time.
Write my congressman? That’s rich.
What then?
Find an online course on how to respond to an active shooter in the workplace.
Google “active shooter workplace training.”
Click on a course called “Active Shooter: What You Can Do,” from FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute.