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Everyday items used to make great music

The Columbian
Published: January 9, 2015, 4:00pm

In Andrew Huang’s new video, the hits just keep coming.

As do the household items he uses to perform them.

In a mind-blowing medley featuring a half-dozen songs — including Pharrell’s “Happy,” and Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” — Huang sings along to his own musical accompaniment created on … things that aren’t actually musical instruments.

“Other than my voice,” the Toronto-based musician writes on YouTube, “the sounds you hear in this medley were produced using only the following things which I could find at my friend’s house while I was staying with him.”

  1. Beer bottle

  2. Shoes

  3. Couch cushion

  4. Trash can

  5. Soda bottle

  6. Frying pan

  7. Rubber band

  8. Bag of kale

  9. Office chair

  10. Pants zipper

  11. Car

  12. Spray bottle

  13. Water

  14. Mugs

  15. Glasses

  16. Spoons

  17. Candle holder

  18. Balloon

  19. Firewood

  20. Coffee machine

  21. Vacuum cleaner

  22. Faucet

  23. Salt shaker

  24. Soccer ball

  25. Pen

  26. Spatula

  27. Pot

  28. Forks

Watch by searching “Hits of 2014 — played with household items” at www.youtube.com.

Huang’s bio describes him as “a new media artist whose work is a distillation of his passions for music, video, and audience participation,” including something called the Song Challenge series “which invites viewers to dare him in feats of musicianship — he has performed a rap song in five languages, played the theme from ‘Breaking Bad’ using meth lab equipment, and even made a beat using a thousand pairs of pants.”

Recently, he recorded an out-of-this-world version of the Beatles’ “Across the Universe” “which,” he noted, “apart from my singing, was created entirely with sounds from the Rosetta space probe’s recording of Comet 67P/Churyumov—Gerasimenko.”
