Well, imagine my distress to read about this unique ferry that plied Puget Sound during World War II (“Ferry Kalakala makes its last trip today,” Jan. 22, The Columbian).
I was a teenager living in Bremerton at the time and rode this marvel of engineering numerous times. Yes, it clattered and was a somewhat bumpy ride, but what a wondrous sight it was.
Why hasn’t some philanthropist come forward and rescued it from this ignoble fate? Wouldn’t it make a wonderful maritime museum and an example of far-sighted marine engineering for the era it served?
On one voyage I added my name and address to the front hull, where many other signatures were posted. Imagine my surprise to actually get a response. My father was not happy that his teenaged daughter would so publicly post her name, but the servicemen were eager for mail. The original social media for the time?