In his June 9 column, “Mistakes made in Iraq, but Obama’s prove most costly,” Thomas Sowell’s assertion that whether the Iraq War was a mistake will be debated upon for years is a hilarious notion. Aside from Jeb Bush, who today says it was a good decision?
And now we are hearing from the CIA operatives who supposedly gave then-President George W. Bush the information that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was enriching uranium production. They now say they never presented that information to the president because they never had it. The entire war was a ruse.
I’m not sure how many more years Sowell wanted us to fight a war for a people who don’t want democracy. They are a people too spineless to fight ISIS even when they have them outnumbered 10 to 1. Three trillion dollars and 5,000 dead American soldiers later, not to mention the thousands of dead Iraqi civilians, the world is not a better place without Hussein.
Yet, the Republican choir of warmongers, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., are still singing “boots on the ground.” As far as I’m concern, the Middle East is not worth one drop of American blood. If Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney had been leaders of an uncivilized country, they would find themselves both swinging from the gallows.