Once again Thomas Sowell has authored a great column on March 3, “Random thoughts, from extremists to Rubio’s readiness,” showing insight only available to someone with a free mind — unlike recent letters written by readers with closed minds whose only rebuttal to conservative thought is to have it stifled (letters calling for Sowell to be fired). That “tactic” is frightening yet apparently not recognized as such. In fact, it’s encouraged by the left.
It’s even seen on college campuses where “students” shout down speakers they don’t like because of their divergent thought. I can understand why most young think the way they do, but not adults. From birth they are exposed to liberal thought from our education system, Hollywood, main-street media, magazines, TV, etc. I was once one of them (loved JFK) but I grew out of it. Life’s realities have a way of doing that.
Dennis Rozario