It was of little surprise to me to read that our illustrious Councilor David Madore of the famed M&M boys proposed a right-to-work plan. This move would greatly increase the rate and size of corporate incomes. It would allow for bigger bonuses for those who either run or own companies that now must pay a living wage to those who make the products that make these companies possible.
Of course it goes without saying that the worker could starve as far as most companies could care. Thanks to collective bargaining I have in the past been able to provide a reasonable living for my family, but there have been times when I had to accept employment with nonunion companies where I had to work 70 to 80 hours a week just to make ends meet. Yes I know some of you will disagree with me but that is all right. Madore is thinking of nothing more than his own financial gain at anybody’s expense other than his own.
As far as The Columbian being in step with Madore, well that just goes to show you where they stand on this subject. At present, I am quite disappointed with our local paper.
Ken French