The March 21 Columbian had an article, “Will drought declaration reach county?” concerning a possible drought this summer. My husband waters his vegetable garden, but we let our lawn turn a glorious gold in the summer, knowing that a day of rain will bring it back to a glistening green.
There is one place where water can be saved, and that is on the golf course. Now, I am not a golfer, but I have seen how much people enjoy walking (or riding) across pristine miles of perfect grass while hitting, chasing, swearing and cursing the little round white ball that often disappears into trees or, occasionally, falls into a small hole in the ground. It looks quite easy and enjoyable, but wouldn’t it be more challenging, more exciting, if people had to chase the golf ball through a stubble of dry grass, weeds, twigs and wildflowers? A few unexpected bumps and gopher holes would add some adventure, too. Come on folks, play the game with the same fortitude as the Scots did, in 1497. Be brave; I’m sure you would have a “bonny” good time.
Sheila G. Hudson