According to Merriam-Webster an accomplishment is “something done, achieved or accomplished successfully.” Rebutting readers’ comments that President Obama cannot understand or solve problems, Dick Lee listed his opinion of Obama’s first-term accomplishments in an Oct. 17 letter, “Abundant accomplishments noted.” Is an activity that benefits a few and is detrimental to many considered an accomplishment?
Lee listed Obama’s health care reform as an accomplishment that is “monumentally important.” Some of the uninsured have been able to get health care, however, many of the insured have lost their doctors and have experienced an increase in their premiums. Was this an accomplishment or was it an incomplete or partial accomplishment because it benefited only about 10 percent of Americans? Also, health care is not part of a president’s job description and Congress did most of the work. Should this be called an Obama or congressional accomplishment?
Therefore, what is a meaningful accomplishment for a president? Or should we even try to grade a president by accomplishments?