As an independent, I found the lead story on Nov. 14, “Clinton’s big lead unusual so early,” interesting. Also in my mind, confusing.
Here is a person, Hillary Clinton, who has been, in one form or another, living off the taxpayers’ dollars for years with no accomplishments to speak of. She was a party to several scandals and failures while first lady, including health care reform, Travelgate, Filegate, Whitewater, and left the White House with $190,000 worth of goods for which she later had to return $134,000 to compensate.
As secretary of state she helped with the foreign policy decisions that led us to the mess we now suffer in the Middle East. While visiting Bosnia she was caught “misspeaking” about ducking under rifle fire at the airport getting to their vehicles.
About her only claim I can see is that she is married to a former president, even if he avoided the draft and is a proven liar.