Reading the Oct. 14 story, “City takes aim at fixing roads,” I cannot help but believe some of our Vancouver City Council must think we are very stupid — and count on it.
Are they now letting a non-elected person, Tim Schauer, president of Columbia River Economic Development Council, make policy and run cover for them? Maybe they should start by actually spending all of the $22.6 million on roads instead of pet projects.
They are being strangled by the very absurd rules they have created. Get rid of half of the red tape, regulations and studies, and lots of money will appear. They are ready to rubber stamp a new layer of non-elected money wasters in a Transportation Benefit District, increase vehicle tabs, raise gas tax (again), utility tax and a business license surcharge. Are they aware of the labor participation rate in this county? All of these increases will hurt the very people they claim they care about the most.
I’m sure this proposal and others like it will never see a ballot, as it would surely go down in flames and they know it. If you are as tired as I am about spending millions of our tax dollars on things that should cost only thousands and officials that find it impossible to do the right thing, please let them know because they really do not get it.