In his July 14 letter, “Propaganda from tragedy,” Wilbur Wood complained that an Associated Press account on July 1, “Palestinian kills Israeli girl, 13, sleeping in her bedroom,” was wrong from beginning to end. In fact, the account was totally accurate. Quoting Wood, the story should have included the claim that the girl “was sleeping in a bedroom in a house on property that was stolen from its Palestinian owner.” According to him, the AP/Columbian should have included this statement to create a balanced account. Apparently he supports the Palestinian position that murder, even of children, is a proper response to theft.
Later he became guilty of unbalanced reporting when he wrote that “108 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis since Oct. 1,” ignoring the fact that these Palestinians attempted to murder Israelis and were killed in self-defense. And he forgot to include the fact that, during the same period, Palestinians murdered 39 Israelis and wounded 425, with 40 wounded seriously. Again he seems to supports the Palestinian position that it’s acceptable for Palestinians to terrorize and murder Israelis, but Israelis should be condemned for killing Palestinians in self-defense.