Fact: Ridgefield is one of the fastest growing cities in Washington State.
Fact: The Ridgefield School District is the fastest growing in Clark County.
Fact: The Ridgefield School District is currently over capacity by 130 students per school.
Fact: Portable classrooms are a short-term solution and a bad investment.
Fact: A bond to build permanent capacity will be on the Feb. 14 ballot.
Fact: This bond was developed by the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee.
Fact: CFAC was made up of community members and district personnel.
Fact: CFAC spent several months soliciting input from many stakeholder groups.
Fact: CFAC was thoughtful, focused and intentional in creating this plan.
Fact: This bond is necessary to continue quality instruction for all Ridgefield students.
Fact: To pass, this bond must get 60 percent of the voters to vote “yes.”
Fact: I am voting “yes” and encouraging you to do the same.