The most delicious part of this rare Republican electoral sweep is the oh-so-predictable whining from the safe-space softies. We have been treated to media cover of Democrats blocking traffic on the left coasts, wasting the time of their fellow Socialist voters, threatening them and destroying their property while “law enforcement” idly look on. When a handful of these thugs were finally arrested, we find that few of them voted! Surprise, surprise?
Monkey see, monkey do, these were followed by traffic-disrupting demonstrations by adolescents who have as yet contributed nothing to society, being dependent on their parents for food and shelter and society as a whole for their education — an increasingly oxymoronic term in America today. Those kids’ opinions have the same value as their contributions.
The Democratic National Committee sabotages Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and Russia is accused of helping Donald Trump win. How pathetic.
Whiny editorials, whiny letters, interminable obfuscation from talking heads so wrapped up in their self-righteousness that they are unable to comprehend how and why a basket of deplorables bitterly clinging to guns and religion was able to give them the electoral finger. What joy!