Since owners of sporting events, such as the NFL and NBA, generate large proceeds from expendable income from their fans, it only stands to reason that their proceeds should include a reasonable surcharge from every ticket sold as well as every food and beverage consumed on their properties. Colleges with major sports programs should also be considered in this equation.
These proceeds would in turn be used to help the homeless and hungry by building housing shelters and providing, food, clothing, jobs, medicine and health care. Included in the application of the surcharge would be all professional athletes, coaches, owners, as well as large sporting goods suppliers and manufacturers.
Along with this solution, if I was a preacher or pastor of a church, I would announce to the congregation that we will meet in the church on any given day other than Sunday, and dispense with rhetoric and go out into the homeless community to do whatever is necessary to activate the God-given right of the homeless to live the same privileged life that the rest of our society enjoy.