The Columbian should be congratulated for stepping up to the plate and defending young people in its June 23 editorial, “The Kids Are All Right: Survey finds today’s teens are making smart choices for their health, future.”
I see a constant denigrating of millennials on Facebook and other media as “wanting something free, wanting the government to do it for you,” etc., etc. A part of it comes from the “I served, you didn’t” (ex-military) crowd. Their nobility is questionable, as most were drafted. Also a part of it comes from the crowd who thinks yelling at anybody, not just the young, is the proper way to conduct themselves. Sorry, millennials are not listening to you. If they aren’t treated equally you will be ignored.
It is the young who will have to fix our society’s problems — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, immigration — if they want to. You, the denigrator, will get what they decide, whether you like it or not.