Volunteer Connections provides opportunities through the Human Services Council. For information on the following and other opportunities, call 360-735-3683.
• CDM Services is looking for volunteers for its Elder Friends program to reach out to isolated older residents. Friendly visitors, hairdressers, maintenance person, kitchen helpers, musicians and program aides are needed.
• Gifts for the Community seeks customer service assistants at Divine Consign and at b.divine Clothing Boutique.
• Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center has many volunteer opportunities available. A one-year commitment is required.
• The Salvation Army needs food room and truck driver volunteers.
• Volunteer Connections seeks volunteers to coordinate the Pen Pal Program in Vancouver and Evergreen schools. People to exchange letters monthly with a fifth-grade student are also needed; letters are sent by email or through the mail. Coordinators communicate with school staff, collect and distribute adult and student letters and enter volunteer hours into a reporting website. There will be an orientation in August. Pen pals meet at the end of the school year for a dessert party with their student pen pals.
Washington State University Clark County Extension seeks volunteers Aug. 5 through 14 at the Clark County Fair’s Germ City exhibit, an interactive tent lit with black lights. Germ City shows visitors how to stay healthy through handwashing. Volunteers receive fair entry and parking passes for the day for every four-hour shift worked. A brief training session will be offered before the fair. Call Sandra Brown at 360-397-6060, ext. 5700.