When the Clark County Planning Commission started their deliberation on the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update, Planning Commissioner Eileen Quiring stated early in the proceedings that she would not support the comprehensive plan. Quiring is a candidate for the County Council, district 4.
Part of her “reasoning” included a complaint about the amount of material in the plan, which perhaps was too much for her to understand. As a resident who has been following the process, I know the planning commission has had at least a half-dozen work sessions in the last year on the different elements of the plan. It seems to me there were plenty of opportunities for her to ask questions or get clarification on any part of the plan.
She also made this statement before the planning commission had even voted on what to recommend to the board, which means she didn’t even know exactly what it was she was going to be opposing. This gives the appearance of being more about politics than about understanding or disagreeing with any of the specific policies.
Clark County deserves representatives that can bring solutions, not just obstruction and pandering. We have seen what that looks like already this year on the county council, and it is time for a change.