Vancouver has over 13,000 stormwater drains, but they cannot be effective if waste is going into them. Local residents do not realize the effect they can have on these drains. From washing cars to blowing leaves into the streets, these types of activities will have some contribution to the stormwater problem. This problem can be helped by addressing it within the community and educating the public on the importance of protecting the water supply.
While there are many causes of water contamination, stormwater is one of the biggest because it picks up all debris on the roads and pulls it into the drainage system. There are multiple solutions that some cities within Clark County have already started using, such as porous asphalt and pervious concrete. These are just a couple of the many ways cities have begun to fix this problem.
There are many ways for residents to improve the water in Vancouver. Some simple solutions for local residents include creating a rain garden or even washing your car on your lawn, but the best solution for us is to be aware of what can cause contamination in our stormwater drains by educating ourselves.