Regarding Ruth Marcus’ April 29 column “Get discussion of transgender, restrooms out of gutter,” how very civilized we are — or are we? Certainly, if such is defined by a quest to equalize the unequal, we shine as a beacon to blinding degree.
But where to draw the line? Should everyone’s differing tendencies and inclinations be accommodated? Should the many be incommoded to appease the few without exception? If so, the future promises to be a busy one. Alas, this is untenable. Who will determine the parameters of sense and reason? The media, the fear-mongers, the hyper-moralists — or the direction of an evanescent wave of social sentiment?
We’re living in a frightful time, engaged in convoluting our social fabric evermore. But that will take more space to analyze.
On the issue of transgender bathroom preferences, it seems that if they are to be accommodated, as some wish, to choose a facility opposite their physical gender, their discomfort is merely lifted and transferred to people with conventional leanings. Is that fair, is that right? Would that not be rather hypocritical?
The only true solution then, is to mandate a third facility dedicated to the transgender community, to be available in every business and public place in the United States.