There are many reasons for Donald Trump’s surprise victory and the failure of the polls to predict it, not the least of which is that many who voted for him did so in secret.
There is a lot of analysis and hand-wringing about the outcome and I suspect this will go on for a long time, especially given that Hillary Clinton appears to have won the popular vote. I’m trying to understand the views held by Trump supporters as we work to pull together and move forward as a democratic society. I was confounded by the Nov. 10 letter titled “Election is a miracle,” which hailed Trump’s victory as a miracle “sparing us from another four years of godless, moral decline.”
Whether the writer was referring to Obama’s presidency or a Hillary Clinton presidency is immaterial. What I find hard to understand is how anyone can construe the election of a self-aggrandizing con man as a miracle, sparing us from moral decline. What am I missing here?