I am perplexed by those who make the case for why Donald Trump would be a bad choice to lead our country and then state that they don’t know who they will vote for. The Sept. 29 letter to the Columbian: “Trump Performance Is Lacking” stated eloquently why Trump would be a poor leader but then the author went on to say that he did not know who he would vote for.
It seems to me that in our strong two-party system, a vote for a third-party candidate or no vote at all is a vote for the least desirable of the two candidates that have a realistic chance to win. While some may not like Hillary, not voting for her or voting for a third-party person is making the election closer and thus giving the vote to Trump.
I feel that our obligation as voters is to cast our vote for the available candidate that we think will best lead our country. Third-party candidates will not be elected, so why waste your vote?