The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. This statement applies to our political dilemma. Last week, Hillary Clinton had an unpopularity status of 53 percent and Donald Trump had an unpopularity status of 58 percent. Congress has an unpopularity status near 80 percent.
Why not replace all of Congress? It will take six years to replace the Senate and about four years to replace the House.
Why not bring up term limits again? Why not make it law for all U.S. citizens to vote? In the last midterm election only 19 percent of registered voters actually voted and half elected the present House of Representatives. We cannot expect a Congress of lifelong members to correct government malpractice. They are protecting their jobs.
We have not improved how Congress works in 200 years. Shouldn’t Congress have a mandate from their constituents to “place America first,” regardless of party and pressure from lobbyists? Issues that never get decided in Congress should be decided by national referendum requiring all Americans to vote.
Can Congress fix itself with the present members? Human nature and self-serving interests would say “no.” Just look at the forest of signs of those wanting to be re-elected.