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Press Talk: Madore backers picked poorly

By Lou Brancaccio, Columbian Editor
Published: September 3, 2016, 6:10am

Just when I thought I was out … Madore pulls me back in again.

I’m not kidding!

I was mostly minding my own business — running the newsroom and Googling Nancy Sinatra songs — when you-know-who started acting up again.

That you-know-who, of course, is none other than our soon-to-be erstwhile but presently still annoying County Councilor David Madore.

“And then I went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid on my Facebook page.”

Now, I’m not exactly sure Madore was improvising with the lyrics to this 1967 classic, but he should have been.

Yep. My, my, my Madore — who never let an election’s beating keep him from popping out of his rabbit hole — can’t quite figure out that he needs to try a new schtick.

What he’s doing now … is … not … working!

That whole “I’m your citizen representative, I can build you a toll-free bridge in five years, businesses don’t need to pay impact fees and, by golly, no need for you to pay for those parks because they will clean themselves” is growing old.

Now, you would have thought a reasonably bright person — which Madore is — would have reasonably figured out something was amiss when he became the only incumbent this side of the Mississippi to lose a primary race.

I could be wrong on that fact, but I’m not wrong that this character only pulled 24 percent of the vote in the primary and got whupped by an unknown Democrat and an even-lesser-known Republican.

No one really knows what’s grinding away in Madore’s head, but I’m pretty sure if his frontal lobe were analyzed, it would show he has rented-mule DNA. Yes, that’s what produces stubbornness.

His book of faces

But back to his Facebook page.

Madore showed some contriteness right after his election shellacking, suggesting that you wouldn’t see as much stupid stuff posted on Facebook. But I put a stopwatch on it. It lasted approximately 6.23 seconds.

Then he was right back at it, including a doozy on whom he would be supporting in the general election for the county council seat he just lost.

The two remaining candidates are Democrat Tanisha Harris and Republican John Blom.

Pretty straightforward, right? Republican Madore would endorse the other Republican.

Not so fast, gumshoe. Madore had something more squirrelly in mind.

“I am supporting Democrat Tanisha Harris for Clark County Council.”

Yep. That’s our conservative guy.

Look, there’s nothing at all wrong with Harris, and it’s expected she will be endorsed by many.

But endorsed by Madore? I suspect there is nothing they have in common politically.

Methinks this sounds like sour grapes. Someone needs a timeout until he stops complaining.

Madore had this to say about Blom:

“Labels have come to mean nothing due to the deceptions of dishonest candidates campaigning under an R (genuine Republican) label.”

And Madore isn’t the only one who needs a timeout. The local Republican Party hierarchy — which Madore controls — also determined Blom was not genuine.

What the …

I mean, why do Madore (and his money) and a handful of Republican bigwigs get to determine who is a real Republican?

Apparently if you’re willing to scooch a bit toward the center … you’re off the bus.

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But here’s the problem with Madore and the rest of the local party leadership: There now are more Republicans off the bus than on the bus.

For example, two elected Republicans also not on the bus? U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler and state Sen. Ann Rivers. Ah, who wants to bet on these two losing their bids for re-election? Not me.

• • •

Look, these last tortuous four years should have convinced even the most ardent Madore supporters of one thing: They backed the wrong horse. He had a few good ideas, but no clue on how to work with others. It’s time to find a new pony. And stay away from rented mules.

Columbian Editor