There’s talk coming from Washington, D.C., about the use of recreational marijuana and the Justice Department adopting policies for the enforcement of federal anti-marijuana laws.
A statement was made that marijuana use causes violence. This is ridiculous. I’m not marijuana user, but I’ve talked with folks who’ve used it. Their observation is that it tends to mellow people out, not bring out violent behavior. On the other hand, alcohol does just the opposite to some people. Many domestic violence instances are related to alcohol use.
I’d venture to guess that many who oppose marijuana use alcohol. Remember, alcohol was illegal at one time and history seems to be repeating itself with marijuana. Back in the day when alcohol was illegal, people found ways to get their booze. I’ve seen on TV that our border patrols are busy trying to catch people smuggling in marijuana. If pot was legal, it would put these smugglers out of business.
I’ll probably get a lot of negative response to this letter but I am 80 years old and this won’t bother me one bit. This is my opinion and I’m sticking to it.