Setting aside for a moment the efficacy of the order itself, a court ruling this week regarding sanctuary cities demonstrates the Trump administration’s failure to understand this nation’s constitutional protections.
U.S. District Judge William Orrick of San Francisco ruled that an executive order signed by President Donald Trump to withhold funding from sanctuary cities likely is unconstitutional. The order would halt some funding to cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration agents regarding the status of undocumented immigrants, but Orrick halted the order on two counts: The president cannot place conditions on spending already approved by Congress; and even if the president could take such action, the funds would have to be related to the issue in question.
It was the third setback in federal court for the administration, which previously had two attempts at a ban upon travel from Muslim-majority countries shot down. Following the ruling on sanctuary cities, Trump tweeted: “First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings.” White House chief of staff Reince Preibus decried the latest ruling as another example of the “9th Circuit going bananas.”
Throughout the court setbacks, it has become evident that bluster from Trump and others has damaged their own cause, and that the president’s persistent criticism of legal rulings has reduced the level of discourse.