Republicans in Congress are working feverishly to find ways to steal as much money as possible from programs that benefit working Americans as quickly as possible.
While the attention has been focused on health care, the administration has quietly accelerated already existing efforts to undermine Social Security. A recent story in the publication, Government Executive, “Social Security Offers Nearly Its Entire Workforce Early Retirement,” details the mechanics of how this is being done.
Knowing the mechanics is important but understanding the goal is critical and ours to surmise. Goal one is to so starve the Social Security Administration from operating funds that it will become impossible for it to function as designed, which it has done beautifully for decades.
Goal two will be to point at the inability of the administration to do its work and make the case that it needs to be privatized “to save it.” Goal three, once privatized, is to make sure the benefits start to get eroded in order to have money to pour into the pockets of Wall Street billionaires, their paymasters.