I have heard many comparisons of President Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, which are hauntingly similar in many ways: the need for flattery, violent rallies, and both liked other dictators. Both blamed other races and cultures, as well as the spread of their propaganda machines. But now I am wondering how many of Trump’s supporters were Rajneeshees at one time.
Most of us locals who were around in the 1980s remember the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He was the cult leader who started his commune in Antelope, Ore. He also drove a Rolls Royce and he, too, rolled out of his gold bed every morning. His followers adored him, no matter what evil things he did. Remember the salmonella outbreak his followers carried out against the local residents? I think the man could have stood on the streets of Manhattan and shot someone, and his followers would still have supported him.