You cannot grab people by the genitals then brag about it and be considered a humanitarian. You cannot own a beauty pageant then abuse your power and position by walking in on people trying to dress and be called a humanitarian. You cannot declare a judge unfit because of his heritage or mock anyone with a disability and still be thought of as a humanitarian. You can’t declare there were good people on both sides when one side was carrying torches and spewing hate speech.
You absolutely cannot watch a 3-year-old little Syrian boy wash up dead on a beach as his family is fleeing from terror then turn your back on them and simply declare they will not find shelter here, and still in any way be a humanitarian. Or pro-life.
Some people voted for Donald Trump because they think he’s pro-life. He’s not. He lies. If you want to stop abortions, mentor a child. Help him or her see they are valued. Help them realize they have a promising future. Don’t elect unqualified presidents. He doesn’t even qualify as a humanitarian. I certainly hope Trump has not become the moral compass for our nation.