I was disappointed in the recent votes by Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray against a bill that would legalize importation of prescription drugs from Canada.
U.S. citizens along our northern border are already buying prescriptions in Canada and bringing them home, with or without legal approval. My husband and I were taken by surprise when a tour driver in Victoria, B.C., asked us if we wanted to go on the “drug tour.” He explained that it’s common for U.S. senior citizens to go to pharmacies in Victoria and stock up on prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that require prescriptions in the United States. We passed on the “drug tour,” and decided to go to tea instead.
A number of bills are pending in Congress which would legalize and provide safeguards for personal importation of prescription drugs, including HR2228 in the House and S122 in the Senate.
S122 was introduced by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and is now co-sponsored by both Democrats and Independents in the Senate.