I feel physically ill. I kept quiet after the election. I ignored the crush Donald Trump has on Vladimir Putin. I, though horrified, ignored the Russians rigging the election. I ignored the misogyny. The sexual assaults. The white supremacy garbage. The insults to the intelligence of anyone with an I.Q. above room temperature. The blatant lies. The stupidity of the wall.
We are about to pay gazillions for a wall that only accomplishes alienating Mexico. Mexico will pay for that wall when pigs fly. Plus, it’s like putting a wall in your yard to ward off gophers and moles. It won’t work.
He is gutting the EPA. There is no global warming? Do you have a favorite forested area? Better take pictures. Medical research? Down the dumper. Social Security, Medicare? We old retired folks are quivering in our beds.
Having read the novel, “1984,” by George Orwell years back, at the time I chuckled. Not now. I could go on, but there is no need. You see, I find he has one character flaw I cannot excuse. He doesn’t like dogs. Never trust a person who doesn’t like dogs. He even said he should get a dog because all the former presidents had dogs. Would you like to be Trump’s dog? Not me. May God help us all.