The Ridgefield School District bond is a well-planned next step for our schools. I’m voting for it, and I hope you will, too.
We have an exceptional school district because of lots of enthusiastic students; committed, effective teachers; and very supportive parents and community members, but we’re bursting at the seams. School districts are not allowed to build for projected growth, they can only build for students currently enrolled. But, with good planning and forethought, buildings designed for the current kids can also adapt to growth.
That’s what the current bond has done. The new 5th- through 8th-grade complex will shift the middle-school kids out of the middle of the town, which is too congested for the buses and where there’s too little land for more expansion, and draw some kids from Union Ridge and South Ridge, reducing over-crowding in those schools.
The district has partnered with the city to build the new facility next to the $5 million Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex, saving considerable money and thus keeping our property taxes among the lowest in the county without shortchanging our kids. Please vote “yes” on the bond.